Featured Blogger: Jess and Stephen from Flying the Nest

Welcome to Jess and Stephen!

1. First of all, what are your website and social media links?

Website – www.flyingthenest.tv
Facebook –
Twitter –
Pinterest –
Youtube –
Jess Instagram –
Stephen Instagram –

2. How did you come up with your website name?

Rather than following what we were told life should be of getting a full time job, a mortgage and popping out babies we decided that there is plenty of time to do that and not enough time to experience the world. So early next year we will be quitting our jobs, leaving home and well flying the nest as the saying goes. This blog will be journaling our time leaving the sunny shores of Australia as we go to the icey cold mountains of Canada, and yes everyone has told us we’re crazy – why are we substituting bathers for blankets?

3. What more can you tell us about your blog? What are your goals or intentions for it?

Our blog is very visually centric, so if you enjoy photos and videos we are going to get along just fine. We love going on adventure trips and at the same time we enjoy creating visually inspiring photographs as well as short films about our experiences. Our main goal is to write, photograph and film our time around the world and this blog is our online journal that we can one day use to remember and share stories of our travels when we are older.

4. Can you provide us with a Throw Back Thursday picture of one of your favorite travel memories with an explanation?


One of our favourite travel memories was the time we decided to skydive in Dubai. Jess is extremely afraid of heights so it took a few years for us to work our way up to doing it. We started small with parasailing in Bali and followed it up with paragliding in New Zealand which helped her feel confident enough to undertake the skydive. When we finally did it the view over The Palm was so awe-inspiring and worth the wait. If you are scared of heights or have skydiving on your bucket list we highly recommend doing it in Dubai.

5. Which are your favorite and least favorite cities you’ve traveled to? Why?

Our favourite city would have to be New York City as it’s so magical in a way that is hard to put into words. It’s was a new place to us yet we had already seen it from movies and popular culture, it was a strange feeling. Our least favourite city would probably be Miami due to a bad first impression we had. Where we stayed the surrounding area was under construction so there was a lot of mess and we were also surprised to come across a few places where there was a language barrier which made it hard to get around. We try not to share this story to often as we would hate to put potential travellers off due a bad first impression – we would like to revisit Miami one day to set things straight.

6. What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten? Where?

Haha well we aren’t huge foodies to be honest and it’s something that we hope to improve on as we travel more. Our strangest food is probably someone’s everyday food. If we had to chose it would have to be in the time we tried Kopi Luwak – coffee made from civet cat poo, surprisingly tasty.

7. Who are your travel idols?

We are a little bit of YouTube addicts and get heavily inspired by photography and videos so travellers such as Hey Nadine, Louis Cole and Vaga Brothers inspire us through their vlogs. We hope to launch our own YouTube channel in full force early next year with weekly personal vlogs, travel showcases and fun videos – so definitely watch this space.

8. What’s your best travel tip?

You can get inspiration from anywhere and don’t be ashamed to share it or pursue it. We can see Facebook photos, tweets, a movie or even a music video and we will want to travel to a certain location – sometimes we plan whole trips around this one piece of imagery. If we’re on this subject of sharing – the whole reason we sky dived in Dubai was because a Flo Rida video clip.

9. Which is your favorite post you’ve written? Please provide a link.

Our favourite post would be about the time we had the opportunity to scuba dive at the Great Barrier Reef. Our greatest hobby, besides seeing the world, is snorkelling and scuba diving. The Great Barrier Reef was the first place we experienced scuba diving and it was one of our fondest travel memories, hence one of our favourite posts to write.


10. What advice would you give to someone new to travel blogging?

Organisation is key to running our operations and even though we are still very new ourselves to blogging we ensure that we know what is coming out and when – it helps keep us sane. Also an aspect that we are trying to improve on more is bringing our writers voice and personality through our posts. Flying the Nest is a blog about our life stories and travel just happens to be our biggest hobby so we are always improving on trying not to be too much of a tour guide blog but more a personal blog about our own travel experiences.


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